Home Events - Delaware Beaches Visitors Guide HealTree to offer drum circle at Canalfront Park

HealTree to offer drum circle at Canalfront Park

Maxine Middlebrook of HealTree will host a mindfulness- based drum circle from 6 to 7 p.m.,Tuesday, July 25, at Canalfront Park, 211 Front St., Lewes. Sessions will continue Tuesday, Aug. 22 and Tuesday, Sept. 26. During these drum circles, participants will be guided to practice mindfulness by tuning into their own natural rhythm. Attendees may bring their own instrument or borrow one provided by HealTree. No experience is necessary. This is a donation-based event benefiting Delaware Hospice.

For more information or to sign up, go to healtree.co or call 302-827-4683.


Aug 22 2023


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

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Canalfront Park
211 Front St., Lewes

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